

scheme схема

throng трон

lavish щедрый

wing крыло

lay out располагать

ill-fated несчастливый

attempt попытка

mulberry tree шелковица

dignity достоинство

suitor поклонник

eccentrisity эксцентричность

remedy лекарство


chain of fortification цепь укреплений

access доступ

proximity близость

timber строевой лес

alteration перемена, изменение

improvement улучшение

reddent of chivalry носитель рыцарства

non-metropolitan нестоличный

austerity строгость

sequence последовательность

wainscot обшивка

inspiration вдохновение

marble мрамор

association ассоциация

inherit наследовать

apogee апогей


reorient переориентировать

legitimate законный

descendant потомок

spiritual духовный

inlaid инкрустированный

depict описывать, отражать

disuse неупотребление subsequent последовательный


monk монах

consecration посвящение

burial погребение

demolish разрушать

shrine храм

reerect перестроить

clumsy неуклюжий

fan-vaulting веерный свод

predecessor предшественник

buttress опора

underneath под

grave могила

chaplain капеллан

confer присуждать

bequeath завещать

intricate сложный

embelish украшать

effigy портрет

regalia регалия

depict отражать

dormitory спальня


commemoration память

occur at иметь место в

vanished исчезнувший

obsqurity препятствие

deprive лишать

abolition уничтожение

reinforce укреплять

conquest завоевание

sovereignty монархия

accordance соответствие

insignia знаки различия

congregation община

realm власть


I. Choose the correct definition to the following:

1. take up a) careful study or investigation, order to

discover nnew facts or information

  1. due to sth or sb b)to become or make sth completely full

  2. fill up c)to fill or occupy an amount of space or time

  3. research on d)caused by sth,sb; because of sth,sb.

  4. carry out e)to do sth,as required or specified; to fulfil sth.

Exercise II. Make all the changes necessary to produce five sentences:

  1. /The collections/ are distributed/ and/ possessed/ by/ among/ departments/ over forty/ exhibition/ the museum/ its/ permanent/ seven/.

2. /An important/ the museum/ part/ is taken by/ collection/ among/ the numismatic/ possessions/.

3./The aquisitionn of complete/of individual works/ in the 19th/ the previous/ century/ period/ was continued/ but/ collections/ of art/ and/ on a more modest scale/ during/ than/.

  1. /The Hermitage/ section/ of the very/ on the Continent/ contains/ for / pictures/ is/ which/ a special/ few/ English/ one/.

  2. /Joshua Reynolds/ all/ in/ by/ is/ 1780s/ represented/ the/ canvases/ painted/ four/.

Exercise III.Fill in the blanks with the following pronouns:

in of from on by

  1. The collection has no paintings __ William Hogarth, but some __ his prints selected ___ a large and representative collection possessed __ the Museum are usually ___ show.

  2. The State Hermitage __ St Petersburg ranks among the world’s most outstanding art museums.

  3. The Museum numbers among its treasures monuments __ ancient Greece and Rome and those__ the Greek settlements __ the North coast __ the Black Sea.

  4. Most helpful __ the Museum’s research work is the Hermitage Library.

  5. It is open to every student __ art.

  6. A number __ 17th -18th century works are __ show too.


Exercise I. Choose the correct sentence:

  1. a/ The Tretiakov Gallery was founded by a Russian painter - Tretiakov.

b/The Tretiakov Gallery was founded by a Moscow merchant and art patron - Tretiakov.

  1. a/The Gallery’s centenary was widely celebrated throughout Russia in June 1956.

b/The Gallery’s centenary was widely celebrated throughout Russia in May 1856.

  1. a/The Gallery’s collection has grown considerably in the years since the Revolution.

b/The Gallery’s collection has not grown since the Revolution.

  1. a/The early Russian Art department and the collections of sculpture and drawings were constant.

b/The early Rassian Art department and the collections of scylpture and drawings were enlarged.

  1. a/Tretiakov spent his life collecting the works of Russian painters.

b/Tretiakov spent 10 years collecting the works of

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